The Serra da Estrela Natural Park (PNSE) represents one of the main national reserves of phytodiversity, with its plants presenting a high potential for recovery, with a view to developing products with added value and a natural base for the pharmaceutical industry. PharmaStar intends to enhance the plants of the PNSE, through new pharmaceutical formulations for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, using innovative drug delivery systems for the treatment and prevention of diabetes, using biopolymers extracted from acorns and propolis, and resorting to nanotechnology advanced technology (microparticles, nanoparticles and liposomes). This project will contribute to the sustainable development of the PNSE and the surrounding region, through valuing and preserving natural resources, retaining highly qualified human resources, promoting scientific knowledge and its transfer to the pharmaceutical industry.

This project is supported by the "la Caixa" Foundation's Promote Program, in collaboration with BPI and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).