Paula da Silva Albuquerque
Coordinating Professor
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa
"Prof. João Pereira Gomes- "NANOPARTÍCULAS EM AMBIENTES OCUPACIONAIS E EFEITOS NA SAÚDE HUMANA". Gomes, J.F.P., Albuquerque, P., Miranda, R. – “Application of a Control Banding Tool for Risk Level Assessment and Control of Nanoparticles Exposure in Welding Operations”. Guerreiro C., Gomes, J.F.P., Carvalho P., Santos T., Miranda R., Albuquerque, P. - “Characterisation of airborne particles generated from MAG welding process”. Inhal Toxicol, 2014; 26(6): 345–352. Gomes, J.F.P., Albuquerque, P., Esteves H., Carvalho P. – “Notice on a methodology for characterizing emissions of ultrafine particles/nanoparticles in microenvironments”, Energy and Emission Control Technologies - 2013: 1 15–27."