A Agenda CVB visa a criação de raiz, em Portugal, de uma cadeia de valor das baterias, com integração de atividades de mineração, refinação, montagem de baterias e circularidade de materiais,

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Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe lung condition characterised by rapid onset of inflammation in the lungs, causing fluid buildup and impaired oxygen uptake.
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A 40% reduction in emissions should be achieved by 2030 within the EU with the outstanding goal for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
Cement is one of the most commonly used building materials due to its durability and highly functional properties after hardening.
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A promising approach to earth building materials is the compressed stabilized earth blocks (CSEB), increasing the processing speed and improving mechanical strength and durability when stabilized w
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The extractive industry has been considered one of Europe’s most significant waste streams.
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FEUP will collaborate with RISBRIEFCASE project to develop strategies to promote the importance of mineral raw materials in everyday life.
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Responsible, sustainable and low CO2 footprint mineral extraction is vital for the preservation of our planet.
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There is a growing understanding of sustainability and economic issues of products in the circular economy sector but few studies on the incorporation of waste or maritime by-products of moll
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NGS is composed of complementary technological Work Packages (WP), with the capacity to autonomously generate Products, Processes, or Services (PPS) for the international market, incorporatin
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Moving2Neutrality is the name of the mobilizing project that aims to meet the challenge of energy transition in transportation by producing sustainable fuels for carbon neutrality.
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Molecular activation is important not only in chemical systems but also in more complex biological systems.
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Project TSHAPS addresses Priorities no. 1 and 2 of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030): to understand disaster risk, and to strengthen disaster risk governance.
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Develop new microencapsulated ingredients (MICROCAPSULES) for incorporation in highly innovative canned products (algae extracts and herbs extracts microencapsulates
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The Sustainable Stone by Portugal Agenda aims to enhance the relevant mobilizing and aggregating work that has been carried out in the context of the Natural Stone Sector, to create a new generatio
The aim of this project is to valorize forest biomass wastes into bioenergy, more precisely, production of 2nd generation synthetic biofuels, such as, biogas, biomethanol, bio-DME, etc., depending
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The BioCFiber project targets the replacement of petroleum-based CFs by bio-based CFs.
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Gold, one of the most precious metals in the world, with estimated reserves of 54,000 ton, can be extracted from primary (mineral deposits) or secondary resources (recycling of printed circuit boar
The Clean Cement Line aims to develop and demonstrate a new cement production technology.
The overall goal of IProPBio is to exchange complementary theoretical and experimental knowledge of research Staff while looking for innovative answers to such important questions.
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The Serra da Estrela Natural Park (PNSE) represents one of the main national reserves of phytodiversity, with its p
In the last decades submesoscale ocean currents with extensions in the order of 1000 m have been a focus of investigation in physical oceanography.
ASTRIIS (Atlantic Sustainability Through Remote and In-situ Integrated Solutions) is a Portuguese project to support the sustainable growth of the blue economy by developing technical and scie
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It is estimated that 80% of all floating debris are marine plastics. These plastics are eventually ingested by marine species or act as a trap causing severe injuries and deaths for marine life.
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The SOLAR2CLEAN project, in partnership with ETH Zurich (Switzerland) aims at the achievement of a highly efficient engineered photocatalytic system, driven by solar light, of high applicability in
SHS - Soil health surrounding former mining areas: characterization, risk analysis, and intervention
The residues resulting from coal mining activities, Sb-Au and W (N Portugal) deposited in heaps, represent a source of pollution in the surrounding soils and aquifers.
The CAVALI project aims to develop up to the maximum limit considered as possible and feasible, the value chain of the production cycle of lithium-based batteries for electric vehicles, thus enhanc
BETTER PLASTICS project aims to be the Mobilizing Project of the Plastics Sector in Portugal and leverage the transition of this sector to a circular economy.
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Spatial Data Sciences (SDS) can provide significant insights into explaining spatial patterns of infectious diseases, understanding and predicting spatio-t
The main goal of InTheMED is to implement innovative and sustainable management tools and remediation strategies in five typical case studies, located between th
Development and implementation of geostatistical rock physics seismic inversion and geostatistical modelling tools within Petrobras' in-house modelling platform SIGEO (expected TRL7).
Development and implementation of a versatile geostatistical seismic inversion plug-in in Beicip-Franlab's flagship software InterWell®.
This project intends to answer two major modern civilization challenges - growing energy demand and the pilling of huge amounts of plastic residues that are a sub-produc
New materials to store and release NO and H2S will be developed to deliver them at target sites in the human body for therapeutic action.
Project SHAZAM addresses the intraplate seismicity of the Gulf of Guinea as a means to investigate the role of asthenospheric dynamics in crustal deformation.
A new methodology for the restoration/valorisation of abandoned mines sites, within the Iberian Pyrite Belt, in the SE of Portugal, is addressed.
A huge percentage of the recent European cultural heritage (CH) can be found in movies, photographies, posters and slides produced between 1895 and 1970 were made using cellulose derivates.
Project CLEAN 4G will build upon a sustainable approach to the production of
3D modelling of terrain and vegetation structure is essential in several environmental applications, and in industries such as agriculture or mining.
The lack of knowledge about the SARS-Cov-2 combined with a global pandemic crisis, caused by the rapid spread of
UNTIeD intends to propose a multi-disciplinary approach to study the proximal impact of Fogo's megatsunami.
Black liquor is a pulp mill effluent from wood cooking with a solid content of 15-18 wt.%, which is mostly lignin.
The exploitation of Eucalyptus globulus plantations and subsequent processing on paper leads to the production of secondary products that can be used as biomasses for a
For printing and writing paper production, hydrophobicity is one of the critical requirements.
In this project processes will be identified and developed for recovery of rare earths elements (REE), particularly the most critical five, neodymium (Nd), europium (Eu), te
Development and implementation in real case applications (pilot application examples - TRL 7) of geostatistical methods for reservoir geophysics and history matching.
The main objective of VEGETANTAR is to make a multitemporal mapping of the vegetation in the Antarctic Peninsula (AP) through remote sensing.
Mining the European Anthroposphere strives for a breakthrough in the field of waste and resource management and pursues the establishment of a universally acceptable and internationally applicable
Rare Earth Elements (REE) were considered by the European Union as Critical Metals due to the low abundance and their mining exploration, almost exclusive
Fogo, in the Cape Verde archipelago, is one of the most active oceanic island volcanoes in the world – it has erupted approximately every 20 years since the island was d
This Project is centered on the identification and characterization of the risks associated with viral load and the chemical constituents present in the aquifer systems
The global demand for metals and minerals is growing rapidly; Europe has a huge trade deficit for metallic minerals, and therefore needs to extract more of its own resources to reduce this dependen
This project aims to develop new self-adhesive ecological monocomponent adhesives for the footwear, automotive and aeronautics industries.
The AlfaGreen project has an implementation period from 1 April 2016 to 30 September 2018 with a budget allocation of 1,000,272.73.
Development of fire resistent polyoletin matrix nanocomposites. …
This project aims at developing high-resolution in-situ solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) methods, adapted to variable pressure measurements, to gain an ato
Assessment of nanoparticles release in ceramic industries and definition of sfae practices to this industry
This project comprises the construction, test and optimized set-up of a system capable of generating fuel from renewable energy sources obtained from alkaline electrolys
Discussion of Ground Motion Prediction Equations and it's limitations (Resource Expert) in project "Seismic Characterization of Nuclear Power Plant Sites in Spain"
The aim of the work is to develop new ecoinnovative biostrategies to detect and extract tungsten, a critical mineral resource, from tailings (secondary geological
The present scientific proposal aims at developing a holistic assessment PSHA at long return periods, and the evaluation of associated epistemic uncertainties.
Development of natural heterogeneous catalysts in order to produce biodiesel. …
Inovstone 4.0 - Tecnologias Avançadas e Software para a Pedra Natural is a Mobilizing Project of the Plano de Ação do Cluster dos Recursos Minerais.
Os materiais compósitos em PRFV, obtidos pelo processo de pultrusão, têm tido uma aplicação crescente em vários campos da Construção Civil e infraestruturas associada.
During the last decades a significant growth in both production and consumption of pharmaceutical products has been observed.
First and second generation biofuels include biohydrogen, biodimethyl ether, bioethanol, biodiesel, biobutanol, dimethylfuran (DMF), etc.
This project aimed the interpretation of the information provided by REN for the definition of a conceptual site environmental model and the definition of a sampling pla
Although the gold demand has been constantly increasing in past years, the commodity findings have been decreasing and the extraction of gold has complicated due to incr
Graffiti resulting from acts of vandalism is a constant threat to heritage, jeopardizing the preservation of this historical-cultural-artistic legacy for future generati
Rubber from end-of-life tires is being used to develop composite foams with interesting properties for some applications.
Although nitric oxide (NO) is very toxic in low concentrations it plays a key role in the regulation of several biological systems of the human body.
Project POLYCER: Exopolysaccharide application on industrial ceramic powders used in unidirectional dry pressing process for performance optimization
This project aimed at the elaboration of high resolution mapping of ice-free surfaces in Antartica (namely in King George Island).
The main objective of project ANIMAR consisted on the development of automated methods to detect some of the most common patterns on the surface of Mars at different obs
The main objective of this project is the mapping and monitoring of areas densely occupied by sorted stone circles in Maritime Antarctica using ultra-high resolution ima
The main objective of this research project is to give a major contribution to the inventory of landslides with a degree of completeness never achieved before.
A pioneering project in Portugal designed to assess the impact of environmental air pollution on birth weight and gestational age at birth in Coastal Alentejo region whe
Innovative biodiesel production. From catalyst to production reactor.
This Project was focused on the investigation of existing surface installations and their ability to withstand a geothermal intervention, more precisely a building that functions
Continental active serpentinization of ultramafic rocks is today recognized as a key process triggering a sequence of phenomena involving the passage from inorganic, to
Therefore, the survey and the study of the maritime buildings settled in environmentally sensible areas, like the Natura 2000 Network Sites, are still to be done.
FAME is an active Research and Innovation project to develop economically viable, flexible and mobile combinations of technology to exploit European ore deposits that ar
The project aims to develop new eco-sustainable derivatives from tall oil rosin and tall oil fatty acids able to incorporate adhesives and printing inks.
Development of active microphases for thermoplastic vulcanizates with self-healing capability
Project FINDER aims to identify and characterize the active trace of the Lower Tagus Valley (LTV) fault zone using a revolutionary and relatively new technique: airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And
The correct interpretation of a work of architecture – the assessment of its meaning – is fundamental when we face the necessity of intervening on it.
The specific objectives established for BIOCriticalMetals are the following:
The overall aim of Real-Time-Mining is to develop a real-time framework to decrease environmental impact and increase resource efficiency in the European raw material extraction industry.